The Milky Way

Created by aliathabit 11 years ago
I did not know Professor Harding, but he has affected me all the same, and just recently. I was looking for images of the Milky Way, and came upon his site. There was the most perfect image. I have looked and looked, and keep coming back to it. It is the most simple, beautiful, and elegant representation. I wanted to adapt it as a logo for a project, and so emailed Professor Harding to inquire about this use. My email bounced. I did a little further looking and found the sad news of his accident. And so I am here. To the family and friends of Professor Harding, I am so sorry for your loss. Clearly he was much loved, and gone far too soon. I hope this is not in poor taste. I searched for another name to email, but found only this site. I would still love to use this image. If it is possible to know, I would appreciate it. If not, Thank you, Professor Harding for your lovely site, and for this perfect image. Thank you! Alia (aliathabit at
